October 8, 2020 Program

Our first program of the 2020/21 Season featured an update from two of our previous student grantees, Sana Javeri Kadri and Juliette Walker.
Read the text below for our introduction to their talk (which was accidentally cut). Then click on the video below to watch.
Sana Javeri Kadri (Pomona, 2015, Visual Arts)
Sana used her Rembrandt Club prize to complete her senior project on The Art of Food Justice, Sustainability, Community, Social Practice, and Other Big Words. Her presentation to the Club was a colorful, artful pictorial journey through sustainable food programs and co-ops all over the United States that blew us away. It was also the first big step in fulfilling her dream to work in an area that combined her art; her interest in food justice; and her two home cities — Mumbai, India and Oakland, Calif. You'll enjoy hearing how ther dream worked out - it's a spicy story!
To order Sana’s Diaspora Co. heirloom, single-origin spices with access to free delicious recipes, go to Diasporaco.com
Use the code REMBRANDT at checkout for 15% off her products!
Juliette Walker (Pomona, 2012, Studio Art)
Juliette's senior porject arose from her belief that Americans need better ways to bring people together, and that art can help with that. So she used her prize for Creating Social Space through Pie Making and Letter Writing. She invited the entire Club to her senior art exhibition, where she used the Museum of Art as a storefront workspace, for passersby and groups to enjoy delicious, homemade pie, participate in letter-writing sessions, and view her pie-making demonstrations. She served almost 400 people on the hundreds of ceramic plates she had thrown for the project.
To commission art from Juliette, go to @juliettewalker on Instagram or www.juliettewalker.com/lamp for ideas, and then email her at juliettewalker509@gmail.com.